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 Mind, Body, Emotional, Spiritual Alchemy & Perception Alignment / Cognitive Dissonance Issues

Who is Rev. Dr. EL March....


With a strong background and experience in physical, mental and spiritual health as well as life/relationship coaching, I have spent over 40 years of my life in helping individuals in dealing with day-to-day life issues..


My line of practice is considered “complementary medicine” in the fact that it works with and around your regular traditional medication as well as nutrition to help you achieve the health level you are striving to reach. I look at your life as whole and not just parts, hence the results will be long lasting. I am not licensed to practice medicine in Canada, as for that, in the health matters I can only coach and consult.


I provide the following services:


One on One or group AMA (Ask Me Anything) about Law Of Attraction;

One on One or group AMA on Nutrition;

One on One or group AMA on the Laws of the Universe;

One on One on Relationship Matters;

One on One on Private Advise and Counselling.


Book an online session with me. I am here to serve.  All information is 100% confidential.


Sessions are Private, not covered by OHIP


Health Questionnaire:


Instructions:  Download the file, Answer the questions, save and email back for a free first mini-consult


Click Here to download --->





  • Consult/Special Occasion: $90/hour

  • Nutritional Consult: $60/hour

  • Meditation Session: 30 min/$30

  • Mind & Spiritual Alchemy: 99/hour 

  • NuVella face and under-eye Cream; 2 oz/$35

  • Cleansing tea: Pack of 20- $15

  • Custom-Blend Moisturizers - 4 oz/$60

  • Natural soaps - $10/bar


Checkout my Online books: 





The latest Book: #YESTOLIFE


To order Hard Copy Books click this URL: Lulu Spotlight



What is Orthomolecular Medicine?


Orthomolecular is a term that comes from ortho, which is Greek for "correct" or "right," and "molecule," which is the simplest structure that displays the characteristics of a compound. So it literally means the "right molecule."Orthomolecular medicine describes the practice of preventing and treating disease by providing the body with optimal amounts of substances which are natural to the body.  

Unified Faith Temple

Have a question or need to know more?  Write Us.  Membership is free and without discrimination.


Rev. Dr. EL March

Bobcaygeon, Ontario, Canada

©2016 Dr. EL March

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