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Unified Faith Temple Online
Be the Light!

Perception Alchemy

The Art of Being

I have been a practicing pastor of unified faith since 2016, preceded by many years of teaching the art of understanding and true belief.  Having been raised in a completely unique environment with a background in Orthomolecular Medicine, spiritual alchemy has been my way of life for the past 60 years.  In this organization, I strive to erase cognitive dissonance.  Cognitive dissonance is a part of social psychology, which refers to the mental conflict that occurs when a person’s behaviours and beliefs do not align. It may also happen when a person holds two beliefs that contradict one another. Cognitive dissonance causes feelings of unease and tension, and people attempt to relieve this discomfort in different ways. Examples include: explaining things away, or rejecting new information that conflicts with their existing beliefs. Today more than ever this plays a role in our overall well-being and impacts our thoughts, decisions, feelings and general mental health. Perception Alchemy plays a major role in resolving these conflicts and finding new realities to build on.


Being the light means the following:


It means every morning to wake up with a clean slate.  Forget all you think you know and believe, and be ready to question it all.  Be ready to change, what you knew or believed yesterday.  Be ready to learn, things you did not know.  Be ready to accept, that some of the things you believed or knew, may have not been the truth.


As you allow the change, and grow from day to day, relearning all you thought you knew, you will find that everything looks different, and your perception will totally change.  The change of perception will act as a rebirth.  Rebirth brings along new opportunities, and a new life.  You will feel freer than ever before, and wonder how you believed all that you did before.  Your focus will change, and the change of focus, will make whatever you are paying attention to, more prevalent and strong. We know that if you have two plants, and if you focus on one, and give it love and nourishment, it will grow and thrive, and the neglected one will die. That applies to human, animals, and all other components of life.


Where there is darkness, focus on light.  Where there is disease focus on wellness.  Where there is jealousy, focus on abundance for all.  Where there is hatred, focus on love.  Where there needs to be a change, make a difference.  Where there is noise, be silent and listen.  Where there is beauty, recognize and enjoy.  Where there is depression, bring joy.  Where there is anxiety, bring calm. When there is need, become helpful. Where there is disbelief, bring faith. Where there is chaos, bring order.  Where there is sadness, bring laughter. Where there is insult, bring respect. Where there is judgement, bring understanding.


Life is precious, not just for us humans, but for all living beings. Respect everything and everyone.  I love you all.  I am Sorry, please forgive me, I thank you and I love you.  Be the Light!

Our One Divine Commandment: Understanding

The power of understanding is the only command in creating an overall change of perception and alchemy of mind, body, and spirit.  Power of understanding includes all forms of knowing described as knowledge, wisdom, awareness and perception.


Understanding is natural to human.  It shows up as the intuitive knowing.  You see with your understanding.  You become enlightened through it.  That inner light within you has the wisdom of the ages and when you allow that enlightenment to shine you say that you “see” what to do. You strengthen the power of your understanding when you affirm “light”.  This is because enlightenment is understanding in expression.  You see, everything that lives, lives in light. Everything that has an existence, radiates light.  All things derive their life from light.   Scientists tell us that the centre of every atom in human’s being is light. In diseased areas this light has gone out. Negative thoughts and vibrations put these lights out.


Spiritual enlightenment makes the body translucent. As the mind is filled with light, so is the body, and all the ill-temper, pettiness, emotional instability, jealousy, criticism, envy, and animosity is dissolved. Your power of understanding especially responds to peace.  A peaceful state of mind is a healing state of mind.


The state of “Being” the light requires great sense of living in the now and adhering to leading the way with understanding and not the ego. It is the allowance of “live and let live” without judgement and force of will. It is the utter state of respecting everything; yourself, others, and all that surrounds you.  It is getting to know yourself deeply as the world lives within you.  In respecting ourselves, we need to double-think much of what we have learned to do unconsciously, and switch to the state of acting by knowing.  Know what you do; know what you think; know what you say; know what you eat; know what you feel. Understand the function of duality and unconditional love.



Member Guidelines


  • Every morning to wake up with a clean slate.  Forget all you think you know and believe, and be ready to question it all. 

  • Be ready to change, what you knew or believed yesterday.  Be ready to learn, things you did not know. 

  • Be ready to accept, that some of the things you believed or knew, may have not been the truth.

  • Be ready to erase cognitive dissonance.

  • Where there is darkness, focus on light.  Where there is disease focus on wellness.  Where there is jealousy, focus on abundance for all.  Where there is hatred, focus on love.  Where there needs to be a change, make a difference.  Where there is noise, be silent and listen.  Where there is beauty, recognize and enjoy.  Where there is depression, bring joy.  Where there is anxiety, bring calm. When there is need, become helpful. Where there is disbelief, bring faith. Where there is chaos, bring order.  Where there is sadness, bring laughter. Where there is insult, bring respect. Where there is judgement, bring understanding.

  • Learn and practice Our one-commandment: Understanding; and our slogan: Be the Light!

  • The state of “Being” the light requires great sense of living in the now and adhering to leading the way with understanding and not the ego. It is the allowance of “live and let live” without judgement and force of will. It is the utter state of respecting everything; yourself, others, and all that surrounds you.  It is getting to know yourself deeply as the world lives within you. Get to know yourself and your body to understand the Universe.

  • Switch to the state of acting by knowing.  Know what you do; know what you think; know what you say; know what you eat or ingest; know what you feel.

  • Understand the function of duality and unconditional love.

  • Know your body to open the doors of knowing the Universe that surrounds you.  Healthy mind resides in healthy body.  Choose what you ingest consciously without any exceptions. Respect the temple God has provided you and lives within.

  • Disrespecting your body, is disrespecting all.

Unified Faith Temple

Have a question or need to know more?  Write Us.  Membership is free and without discrimination.


Rev. Dr. EL March

Bobcaygeon, Ontario, Canada

©2016 Dr. EL March

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